Practice what You Learn
After you spend time learning with others, take the next step and participate in a ministry outreach before you return home.
Ministry Outreach
3, 2, 1 GO!
is all about families learning biblical truth together through physical games and activities. Participants will have the opportunity to practice what they learn through the Sport and Game in Ministry training in order to provide local churches or church plants with a platform to reach out to the whole family.
World of Woodblocks
is an outreach program where we partner with churches in the Great Commission using woodblock building as a means to enable churches to reach their local community. Together with SU Croatia staff, LLI participants team up with volunteers from local ministries to provide children and families an experiential learning environment to learn more about God's Big Story.
Explore together with others from around the world how to use this tool to create a platform for teaching the Bible in a simple and creative way using wood blocks to build Gospel Bridges.